Monday 4 July 2011

Cloth Diapers

My goal is to only diaper A in cloth this summer.  I bought one pack of disposables (we use the PC Green brand...nice fit, no leaks), and I hope that they, and the partial pack we already have, last until the end of summer.  That will be for times when Dad does diaper changes (not often), or if we go camping.  I would be willing to do cloth while camping, G would not, and that is a headache I will gladly avoid.

My diaper stash includes a variety of brands and styles.  I was not one for stocking up on only one type.  We have:

9 or 10 Fuzzi Bunz (Pocket) (older style than exists today...this is the style we have most of).  Most elastics were changed last summer when my mom was up.

3 Bum Genius 2.0 (pocket) (I sold the pink one that was number 4)

1 Happy Heiny (Pocket)

1 Mother Ease one-size fitted (fitted)

6 or 7 Ecobumz (pocket, though they say can be used without the insert, but you would have to change much more frequently)

1 Yo-Yoo baby (pocket)

3 Bum Joy (pocket)

6 Earth Mom & Baby Bumboo (fitted, and my favourite)

3 wool soaker covers (aristocrats =excellent for night time with a bumboo; one handmade from and one reconstructed from a sweater that I got from etsy.  neither of the last 2 are enough to wear at night, but work if I double them up)

3 Bummis super whisper wrap covers

1 Mother ease air flow cover

A number of prefolds, which I use mainly for inserts in pockets.  I didn't mind using inserts as an infant, but now I find them a pain to use with a wiggly, moving baby.  Plus, they are really bulky.  But, they are a great option as they are really inexpensive and absorbent.

I also have a number of wet bags, of varying sizes.

I almost gave up on cloth because I could not figure out a good washing routine.  First, I tried the suggested advice of using less detergent to avoid build - up (I gave up on that right away, as it didn't work, and really, using less detergent for dirty diapers...c'mon!).  I was afraid of ruining the PUL (waterproof outershell) and elastics if I used too hot water.  So, I was left with stinky diapers ( mostly the microfibre in the pockets), and I would run them numerous times through washes with just water after I had washed them with detergent.  The breaking point was when A got a rash from the diapers.

Well, after stumbling across this thread on, I haven't looked back!

This is my washing routine:

Pre-wash with vinegar (combats the ammonia from the pee)
For the wash, I use detergent (Nature Clean liquid or Country Save... I think I prefer the Nature Clean); a scoop of oxyclean and some Washing Soda (to combat our hard water)
I use the Sanitary cycle, which is extra hot, and I use extra water, extra rinse and the stain option.

The cycle is near 3 hours, but that is all it takes and every time the diapers are clean with no stinkies!

So, there you go!

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