Sunday 3 July 2011

Summertime Goals

This is my first post of my second attempt at a blog. That one was started 5 years ago when I was pregnant with my first child and has a total of 3 posts.  So, based on past experiences, I am not expecting much from this one, as now, while I am not pregnant, I am the mother of 2 active children and not a lot of time for much, let alone a self-indulgent activity such as a blog!

So, I have some unrealistic summer goals, above and beyond being a mom and time with my kids!

1.  Get my house in order! 

I am not sure why this is here, since as soon as I get anything in order, a little tazmanian devil that I call my son hits and complete chaos strikes again!  But, so far, I did a good clean of the living room, including washing baseboards and cleaning behind the TV.
I also tidied up the entrance way.

2.  Finish reading my backlog of Today's Parent back to 2006.  I am almost done 2006, have some from 2007, and 2008 & 2009 are completely finished! 

3.  Read 3 books...The Girl Who Played With Fire, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest and Room.  Like this is going to happen, what with reading all the above magazines and all.

4.  Sort through the stuff in storage...this probably should be at the bottom of the list

5.  Do my taxes (hmm, perhaps this should be number 1 on the list)

6.  Mail birthday and baby packages  --- easy one!

7.  To eat healthy, balanced meals and get fit...not off to a good start, but trying

8.  Cook a new recipe each day

So, last night, I made Penne Pesto Pollo from a recipe I found in Today's Parent magazine.  It was not a hit.  Admittedly, it was a little bland.  But, A and I ate it.

I also made a Chicken Stew that I got from one of those free Kraft magazines with all the recipes.  It was a slow cooker recipe.  It called for 2 cups of mushrooms, but I substituted corn and broccoli instead.  That is for supper tonight.  I am also going to make Tea Biscuits.  We will see how that goes.

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